Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Get Involved

So, you want to get involved with Magpie, but you're too far away/too busy/enter other reason here? (delete as appropriate) Well, do we have the solution for you!?

Why, yes we do! 

As part of Magpies festivities, we shall have a little Christmas tree (called Frank) and we want your decorations to adorn the little fellow and your gifts to sit under his branches! These will be sold off throughout the day, with all proceeds going to the Woodland Trust. Think of it as a wee promotional opportunity (attach a business card or label to your decorations and make your wrapping out of flyers and adverts for your business) and a chance to do a good deed for trees everywhere!

Interested? email or leave a comment for details!

Keep an eye out for more opportunities coming soon!


  1. Hello! I would be happy to donate a few decorations to Frank/the Woodland Trust :)

  2. Hiya, this is such a great idea! Its lovely that so many more people can get involved in the day AND its for a good cause :) Plus, he's called Frank - love it! I have applied for a stall, dunno if I've been successful or not.. if I am can I still donate something? It'd be great if you could send me some details about how to get things to you shopkeep[at]glitterysah[dot]com

    Thanks! :)
    Sah xx

  3. Hello, this is a wonderful idea and I would love to get involved! Can you please email me some information? claredoogan@hotmail.co.uk I'd love to make some donations to the trust.
